Rosebank College Crest

Volume 11

Pupil Free Day/Staff Day Reminder for Friday, 11 August

Students in Years 7 - 11 will stay home. Year 12 students will be coming in for their HSC Trial.

Principal's Message

Dear Rosebank Families,

We warmly welcome you back as we commence the second semester of 2023. Your efforts in preparing your children for their return to school are greatly appreciated. We are particularly impressed by the standard of the uniform they are wearing and the level of their engagement at the beginning of the term. 

A noteworthy event thus far has been the enriching presence of our Benedictine Exchange students. Their journeys extend from the historic halls of Glenstal Abbey School in Ireland, Ampleforth College in England, Benediktinergymnasium Ettal in Germany, to Convitto Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele II Cagliari in Italy. Each of these eight wonderful individuals has brought with them a unique cultural perspective while simultaneously illuminating our shared commitment to Benedictine values such as hospitality, generosity of spirit, and an open-minded approach to new ideas. This program, a long-standing tradition that was unfortunately halted due to COVID, is once again in operation, albeit on a smaller scale. We eagerly anticipate the cultural insights our eight Rosebank students will garner as they travel to these global destinations over the Christmas break.

An essential theme in all Benedictine Colleges is our drive to grow communities that both challenge and nurture – so arranged that ‘the strong have something to yearn for and the weak have nothing to run from’ 

(RB 64:19)

This week, we were delighted to host Mr Kieran Sparling, the Head of Boarding at Glenstal Abbey School. Mr Sparling graciously attended our morning tea, where our exchange students experienced a taste of traditional “Aussie foods” - the enigmatic charm of fairy bread continues to baffle me!


Rosebank is proud to announce that we will be hosting our first Rosebank in Conversation, where we invite educators from many different contexts and schools to share ideas about our current educational challenges. Our focus this week is Artificial Intelligence. We look forward to hearing the expertise of Matt Bower, Professor of Educational Technology at Macquarie University. We have also planned a forum for questions, idea development and shared experience. It brings me great pride to see Rosebank being an active, curious, and forward-thinking institution. Our aim is to provide our students with a quality education that shapes them into individuals who contribute towards making the world a better place for everyone, especially those who are disenfranchised and vulnerable.

This week has been full of accomplishments and pride for our school community! I was pleased to watch two grand finals in football. Although we did not win, our students displayed their skills and perseverance, which made us all feel proud.

Furthermore, three of our remarkable debating teams participated in the quarterfinals of the CSDA Debating competition. The passion and skill they displayed were commendable. Both our Year 12s and Year 10s have successfully advanced to the semi-finals happening this Friday. We couldn't be more excited to see them shine once again!

Even though our Year 7s didn't secure a victory, they debated with tremendous courage on the challenging topic "That smoking and vaping should be legal." Their efforts filled us with immense pride and admiration.

I echo Mr Hardwick's sentiments on the hospitality dinner we experienced on Wednesday night. Its splendour was further magnified by the presence of our parents and P&F representatives - a testament to our wonderfully supportive community.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you soon at our Term 3 events.

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Ms Iris Nastasi


From the Assistant Principal

Welcome back for Term 3.  I hope that our staff and students had a restful and rewarding break, enjoying some wonderful sunny weather over the holidays.  The College campus remained active over the three weeks, with Year 12 students attending a number of workshops in preparation for the upcoming HSC Trials, commencing on 31 July.  This can be a time of increased stress and anxiety and I encourage students to continue to communicate with and seek support from their teachers, parents and friends during the final journey ahead. 

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Thank you to our talented Year 11 Hospitality students who, as part of their HSC program of study, hosted their parents, the College Leadership team and members of our P&F at an exceptional dinner last week.  The students prepared and served a flawless three-course meal, leaving us with little doubt that a future Master Chef is in our midst.

Eyecare Program


The Eyecare Program has commenced at Rosebank and continues to be taken up by our families.  If you have not yet signed up for your child, you can still register by clicking here. An optometrist is onsite during school hours to provide students with a free, comprehensive eye examination that is covered through Medicare Australia. Every student will receive a full report about their eye health and a prescription will be provided if glasses are required. The prescription can be taken to any optical store to get the glasses made. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity.  

Webinar: Online relationships and consent

The Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT, in partnership with the eSafety Commissioner, is offering all parents, carers, teachers and support staff the opportunity to join a free webinar designed for parents and carers of students in secondary school. 
The 30-minute webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people in secondary school.  The webinar will cover:

  • The impact of sharing nude images without consent.
  • Practical suggestions for starting the chat about respectful relationships, consent and pressure to send nudes.
  • Where to get support for a young person who has experienced abuse.
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Details: Tuesday, 15 August 7:30pm – 8pm 
Register by clicking here or via the QR code.

Vaping Reminder

Much has been reported about vaping in the media of late. Parents are asked to speak to their children about the dangers of vaping and to be vigilent for e-cigarette paraphenalia which can easily be overlooked as a piece of stationery, or a USB.  Vaping continues to be a growing problem for students of all ages.  Students are reminded that vapes are on the list of banned items at the College.  Any student found vaping, or in possession of e-cigarettes at any time while on College grounds, or while representing Rosebank in public and dressed in school uniform, will face serious consequences.

Facilities and Resources

The College has worked hard to provide Rosebank students with contemporary learning spaces and modern conveniences and facilities.  We continue to invest in upgrading the campus to ensure the needs of our students are not only met, but surpassed.  The expectation is that all spaces around the campus are treated with respect and looked after by our students.  As a community we are constantly exposed to the plight of many charities and organisations who have far less than we do and we are all aware of just how much we have to be thankful for.  I look forward to Term 3 inspiring an attitude of gratitude for what we have and what we share.

Trivia Night Fundraiser - Reminder

Thank you to those who have already bought tickets to our annual Trivia Night fundraiser on Saturday, 19 August.  I have heard on the grapevine that Santa may be breaking his mid-year holiday to pay us a visit on the night, which I hope is enough to entice those of you who have yet to purchase tickets to join us for an evening of entertainment.  Please click here to book a seat!

2024 Term Dates

Term 1: 
- Wednesday, 31 January - for Year 7 and Year 12 (plus Year 10 Peer Support Leaders) 
- Thursday, 1 February - for Years 8 - 11  

- Friday, 12 April

Term 2: 
Tuesday, 30 April - Friday, 28 June

Term 3: 
Monday, 22 July - Friday, 27 September

Term 4: 
Tuesday, 15 October - Friday, 6 December


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Mr Paul Hardwick

Assistant Principal

From the P&F

Who automatically gets added to Santa’s nice list? Anyone who cleans their chimney. And anyone who comes to the Rosebank College Trivia Night Fundraiser!

Our annual event is less than four weeks away on 19 August, so it’s time to buy your tickets, or book a full table, for a night of fun and games with a jolly Christmas theme.


Last year’s event was a runaway success, raising funds for the school and connecting many school parents through newfound friendships and sociable competition. This year promises to be just as much fun with the trivia event plus tree-mendous festive games, the auction and raffle full of great prizes. This event is orna-meant to be the best one yet and you’ve got to be in to win!

Thank you to all who have contributed donations so far. We still welcome donations, big and small, from individuals and companies. Examples include vouchers, gift cards, skin care products, electronics and gift hampers. If you, or someone you know, can contribute a donation, please email the details to

The auction and raffle prizes will be revealed when the online auction site goes live on 12 August. All profits will be donated to the College toward the redevelopment of the Fig Tree area into a new learning and gathering space.

The P&F elves look forward to seeing you there, with bells on!

Ms Cara Edwards

P&F Liaison

Ministry News

The Red Earth immersion in Cape York, QLD over the past school holidays was an experience of a lifetime. This journey was shared with students from Years 9, 10 and 11. We were so lucky to be accompanied by two amazing teachers from the Rosebank community who expressed their passion, gratitude and their willingness to immerse, engage and learn about Aboriginal and Indigenous culture, and in doing so we all overcame our preconceived ideas of the First Nations Peoples. 

Our group of 20 students and teachers embarked on a trip of a lifetime, immersed into two significant homelands as part of one's culture. These homelands went by the names Maramakka and Yungee. The group also experienced colourful and amazing marine life when visiting the Great Barrier Reef on the last day of the immersion program. The two homelands were both surrounded with such immaculate scenery in their own way. Our significant and memorable journey all began at 4am at the airport on 6 July 2023. This is when the excitement and nerves started to kick in amongst the group, but the day was full of laughter and excitement to meet the traditional owners and the land we stayed on for three nights before moving to our second homeland, Yungee. The next 4 days were filled with joy, smiles and happiness; listening and learning about the traditional owners, Irene and Jerry’s story and the stolen generation gave us a snapshot into the life of the Indigenous peoples; at times this was confronting to hear. The passion and love of the land was also expressed by the Elder Jerry in his explanation of traditional bush tucker and medicines.

On 9 July, we had our first ‘pack down’ to head off to Yungee and stop off at Isabella Falls. On the way there we stopped at the local Hope Vale store to understand what it is like to shop for a week, and the cost of living in rural areas. We were all able to enjoy an ice cream and a few snacks before arriving at Yungee after 2 hours on the road. We had a look around before getting settled and putting up our tents. During our time at Yungee we got to experience the feeling of waking up to open land, watching the sunrise, seeing native animals such as goannas, and we even saw twin goats being born. Our new Elders for this leg, Estelle and Dez, embraced us and shared their family story with us. We also met Hazel, the traditional owner's granddaughter, made sure our time there at Yungee was memorable by sharing her culture's dancing and her love for art. We learnt how to make traditional foods and had a go at different arts and danced around the campfire. At the end of our time at Yungee our group was welcomed with warm smiles by some of the kids we were able to meet at Yungee. We even got to perform a corroboree that we learnt from Hazel! By the end of our time in Yungee everyone felt like a “second'' family and some tears were shed on our last night there.

Then, 13 July we had an early start as we did our second pack up and a 4-hour bus journey with our favourite bus driver, Pete, and his unforgettable music. Arriving in Mossman we got to experience the luxurious pool and showers that we all missed and appreciated more than ever after seeing first-hand what tough conditions Aboriginals and First Nations Peoples have gone through. The next day we went on a Reef Boat to the Great Barrier Reef for snorkelling, which everyone loved - besides the seasickness. Overall, speaking on behalf of everyone who was a part of the Red Earth immersion, we all enjoyed and loved every moment. Many memories were shared and we all will appreciate everything we have so much more, learning not to take the little things for granted. Red Earth is an experience, journey and adventure I don’t think any of us will forget. By sharing our experiences, we hope to make a change to our world in terms of equality and fairness. 

Signing off - your future change makers of Rosebank in hope of making the world a better place!!

Ruby Mangraviti 
Year 9 Delaney

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From the Student Leaders

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Dwyer Soda and Swing Fundraiser

On Wednesday, 21 June Dwyer hosted the fundraiser ‘Soda and Swing’ to fundraise for our House charity, House of Welcome. House of Welcome aims to shelter and empower refugees and asylum seekers that come to Australia regardless of who they are.

We had a fantastic turnout as lines were building right when the bell rang. We sold Krispy Kreme donuts and soft drinks and were fortunate enough to be joined by the amazing Rosebank Jazz Band. A special thanks to the Jazz Band conductor Mr Comninos, and our Year 12 soloists, Mia-Rose Lombardo and Grace Renwick.

This year we were able to raise $460 for House of Welcome. Thank you to everyone who bought donuts and drinks, and a special thank you to all the teachers and students who helped on the day. Go Dwyer!

Natalia Buzo
Dwyer Social Justice Captain 2023-2024

📷 CAPA News

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Click the poster or visit to RSVP

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Click the poster or visit to RSVP

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Rosebank Visual Arts Students Excel at NAS HSC Intensive Program 2023

Lola Tesoriero, Grace Lin and Clara Noh (Year 11) spent the holidays participating in the National Art School (NAS) HSC Intensive Program 2023, in the fields of Sculpture, Painting, and Ceramics. Guided by mentors, they demonstrated impressive skill development and creativity.

The NAS HSC Intensive Program allowed these three young budding artists to foster personal growth, explore different ideas and collaboration. Their impressive artworks reflect dedication and passion and will be on display at NAS later in the year. Congratulations Lola, Grace and Clara!

Ms Aimee Leal
Visual Arts, Photography and Digital Media Teacher

Science News


Year 12 Physics students, accompanied by Mrs Galeb, visited the University of Sydney School of Physics and were welcomed by Physicist Gabriel Nguyen.

Students were offered the opportunity to learn about the several aspects of particle behaviour through Particle Accelerators and Cloud Chambers that will pave the way for future prospects of Quantum Physics.  

Rosebank Physics students observed first-hand the unique characteristics of light while developing a deeper understanding of the physics involved in the many wave phenomena by participating in several practical investigations. Students were inspired by the Sydney University Campus and Masters Students who introduced scientists, the likes of Einstein, Bohr and Millikan, and the evolution of our understanding of the Standard Model of the atom and all that is in our Universe.

The day was very successful, and we would like to thank Ms Nastasi for allowing us such a great opportunity that will most definitely benefit the students of Rosebank College in their HSC Physics course and for their future as prospective Physicists.

Mrs Siran Galeb

Science Coordinator

EnrichED News

Term 3 has started at a fast pace with our first InspirED activity, the Science and Engineering Challenge, occurring on Friday of Week 1. This will be followed by two days of the Da Vinci Decathlon this week. Look out for student reports on these challenging opportunities in the next newsletter. 

Term 3 PACE Activities: 


This year the students at the College have shown an increased interest in participating in the CyberTaipan Australian Youth Cyber Defence Competition, with five possible teams training for the competition rounds to be held online on 19 August and 9 September. This year we have a team of cyber security professionals as mentors, the majority of whom are College alumni. Michael Grassi and Kris Little have organised a team of their colleagues from UTS, including Levi Vitale to support our students in their preparation for the competition. 

Many thanks to Dominic Wan and the ICT Team for their support of this initiative. 

Future Problem Solving 

The Year 7 Future Problem Solving Team continue to progress towards solving the problem of reducing waste at the College. Under the guidance of Mark Borg, the students have completed research on the types and amounts of waste generated by the College, the processes already used by the College to reduce, recycle and dispose of waste and the viability of various options to manage elements of food related waste generated by the College. Over the course of the next two terms, with the support of Imanta Harris the students will work towards putting a solution or solutions in place. Look out in the newsletter for ways in which the whole community can support the Future Problem Solving Team and improve our environent. 


In surprising news, the Senior Chess Team have made it through to the quarter finals of the Metropolitan Secondary Schools Chess Tournament for the third year in a row. Although they did not win their division this year, they were one of three schools offered a position based on points. 

This team of Year 12s will graduate this year. However, with the growing interest in chess, supported by the mentoring provided by our senior players and the employment of professional chess coaches to coach players during Thursday afternoon PACE, there is a promising future for chess at the College.  

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InnovatED Projects

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Work on individual passion projects has started and will continue during PACE for this term, with topics as diverse as Romanticism Art to Terra forming Mars and Nuclear Fusion this year’s Showcase is shaping up to be an interesting one. 

Students who wish to complete a project do not have to participate during PACE. As an alternative, they can choose to complete a project in their own time, with regular check-ins with the facilitator of the program. Students who would like to be involved in InnovatED should contact Ms McArthur without delay via the email below or by popping into the in the Diverse Learning Office.

Other Senior Student Opportunities: 

The Santos Science Experience 

Just a reminder to keep your eyes on for new opportunities to participate in this program. 

Currently UTS and Macquarie Uni are offering three day opportunities in the next holiday break at a cost of $210. You can apply for a Rotary Club Sponsorship to help cover costs. If you are travelling out of Sydney for school break there are opportunities all over Australia. Keep checking the websites as new opportunities are added regularly. There will be some opportunities for the January break added later in the year. Book quickly as places fill fast. At the moment UTS has 12 places left for 26-28 September, with applications due before 20 August. Macquarie University has 46 places left for 4-6 October; applications close 10 September. In both cases, apply earlier if you are seeking Rotary support for the cost. Do check with your parents as they may know someone affiliated with a Rotary Club. 

If you want to attend with a friend(s) apply even earlier. You can request to be in the same group for the experience if there are enough places left. Different universities offer different experiences so check out what's on offer before you book. 

If you need help applying for a Rotary sponsorship, see Ms Galeb, the Science Coordinator, or Ms McArthur in the Diverse Learning Office or contact her via the email below.  

National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) 

National Youth Science Forum applications for the residential opportunity in January close at the end of this week. The hub opportunities which occur in various metropolitan areas around Australia in the other school breaks may still be available. NYSF opportunities are restricted to Year 12 students but you need to apply while you are still in Year 11. 

See Ms McArthur or Ms Galeb for any support you need in completing these applications but start early as there are a number of items which you must gather to include in your application. 

College Colloquy 

There are a number of events available for free this term for senior students involved in the College Colloquy.

  • Rewilding - 14 August at 6:30pm 
  • Meganne Christian: An Evening with a Future Astronaut - 15 August at 6:30pm
  • AI, the Universe & Everything - 16 August at 6:30pm
  • Psychedelics: From 'magic' to medicinal - 17 August at 6:30pm
  • The Ethics of Ownership - any time after school during the fortnight after 17 August 
  • The Ethics of Inhibition - any time after school during the fortnight after 30 August

Students who want to join the College Colloquy to receive ongoing information about evening events should contact Ms McArthur via the email below. 

Any students who want to attend any of the events above, should also contact Ms McArthur with all haste.

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Ms Cheryl McArthur

Gifted Education and iThink Teacher, EnrichED Program Facilitator

📷 PACE News

Click here to view full Rep and Club Sport results (Term 3) 

Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award 

Congratulations to Xerinn Biglang-Awa, Celeste Kovac and Emilie Srdic who recently completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.

The final date for Year 9 students to register for the Bronze Duke of Ed Award is Friday 28 July. If you have any questions about Duke of Ed or would like to register, please email

Ms Maryanne Di Bella 
PACE Coordinator (Cultural and Diverse Activities) 


Rosebank Rep teams leaving their mark 

In the first week of the holidays on Thursday, 29 July, five of our Representative Sport teams competed in the Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) Sydney Championships Quarter Finals. All of the teams put up a gallant fight and showed that Rosebank students are determined and never give up. The Boys Senior Soccer team went down 0-4 to Christian Brothers Lewisham, whilst both the Girls Junior and Senior Netball teams stayed focused against tough oppositions in St Clare’s and Brigidine. The Boys Junior Soccer team kept their cool to take the win 1-0 against Cathedral. This success was replicated by the Girls Junior Soccer team who were drawn 4-4 at full time and snatched the win from Brigidine Randwick in penalties.

The Boys and Girls Junior teams then progressed on to compete in the SCS Sydney Championships Semi Finals on Thursday, 20 July. Unfortunately the Boys Junior team went down 2-4 and the Girls Junior team went down 0-7, however to make the Sydney Championships Semi Finals is still a massive achievement.

These fantastic results are a true credit to the hard work and commitment the students and coaches have shown throughout the season. Congratulations to all students involved in Representative Sport in term 2. 


Jai Thompson swings his way to success


Congratulations to Jai Thompson (Year 12 Vaughan) who finished 4th in the Sydney Catholic Schools Golf Championships held on Monday, 17 July. Jai competed against students from all other Sydney Catholic Schools at this whole day event and is to be congratulated on this wonderful achievement. Well done, Jai! 

SCS Gymnastics Sydney Championships 

On Friday, 23 June, the Rosebank Gymnastics team competed at the Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) Sydney Championships. Rosebank placed 1st overall in level 6 girls and level 6 boys and 4th overall in level 5 boys. The overall points tally saw Rosebank place 7th overall for girls and 2nd overall for boys. A special mentioned to Hayden Reeves (Year 9) who placed 1st overall in level 6. Congratulations to the whole Gymnastics team on a successful competition. 

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SCS Chess Sydney Championships 

Well done to Julian Corneli (Year 12 O'Connor), Connor McGregor (Year 12 Dwyer), Oscar Page (Year 11 Hayes) and James Sibley (Year 12 Delaney) who were in the Boys Senior Chess team and placed 2nd in all of Sydney Catholic Schools. This team competed in the holidays and narrowly missed out on first place by half a point. Congratulations on such a successful competition both at the Conference 2 Championships and Sydney Championships. 

Cameron Duong All Football Soccer Selection


Congratulations to Cameron Duong (Year 12 Hayes) who has been selected into the NSW All Schools Football team. Selection into this team is the pinnacle of the school sport pathway in NSW and is the second consecutive year that Cameron has been selected into the team. Cameron will now compete in the U19s Interstate National Championships in September. Congratulations Cameron on this wonderful achievement! 

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Junior Matildas on the rise

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A massive congratulations to Mikayla Duong (Year 10 Hayes) who was selected into the Junior Matildas Soccer team. She recently travelled overseas playing a series against Korea Republic. The trip was designed to help the Junior Matildas continue their preparations for the 2023 AFL U17 Women’s Asian Cup Round 2 Qualifiers. This is a sensational achievement and everyone at Rosebank is incredibly proud of your achievements Mikayla! 


Cormac turning heads on the international stage

In May, I was fortunate to be able to be one of 17 athletes part of an Australian team competing in Wheelchair racing over in Switzerland. We competed in 3 different competitions including Swiss Nationals. I was very happy with my performances as I achieved 6 personal bests and won my first international event. 

Cormac Ryan

Congratulations Cormac on your wonderful performances! 


Rebecca Donnelly in NSW Basketball Team 

Rebecca Donnelly (pictured left back row number 7, Year 10 Hayes) competed in the U16 National Basketball Championships from 2-9 July in Warwick, Western Australia. Rebecca was part of the NSW Metro team who asserted their dominance in the week long competition. The team progressed through the round games undefeated, winning 6/6 games to finish at the top of their pool. A hard fought finals game against Queensland North saw NSW Metro suffer a narrow defeat going down 70-72 to finish in 4th place. Congratulations Rebecca on your selection into the NSW team and success at Nationals!

Hayden wins gold!

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Hayden Reeves (Year 9 Dwyer) recently represented NSW in Queensland in the Gymnastics Border Challenge. Hayden had a successful competition, with NSW winning gold. Congratulations Hayden on your achievements!


Rosebank netballers shine at state titles 

Congratulations and well done to the following students who competed in the Netball NSW State Titles recently. This is a state-wide competition that brings together the best netballers in NSW and months of training and hard work culminate in a 3-day competition. These students performed exceptionally well in their respective age groups and divisions.

  • Lukas Peat (Year 8 Vaughan) - Manly Warringah Boys 14s team who finished 3rd
  • Elouise De Silva (Year 7 McLaughlin) - Inner West 12s team who finished 2nd
  • Ellouise Hall (Year 7 Delaney), Lily Karmalis (Year 8 Cassidy), Sienna Orlich (Year 8 O’Connor) - Inner West 13s team
  • Tijana Kalagurgevic (Year 8 McLaughlin), Madeleine Mulley (Year 9 Vaughan) - Inner West 14s team
  • Elise Steppat (Year 10 Vaughan) - Southern Highlands 15s team

Fraser on the rise for Australia


Based on his performance at the Mens and Mixed National Netball Championships earlier this year, Fraser Salmon (Year 12 Caulfield) was talent identified and selected into the Australian development squad. This squad participated in a development-elite camp on the Northern Beaches during the school holidays, which brought together the most promising talent across the 17s and 20s age groups. Congratulations Fraser! 

Ms Annalisa Di Bella      
PACE Coordinator (Representative Sport)

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Career Pathways


University Admissions Centre Updates - All courses available soon 

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All 2024 courses from UAC’s participating institutions will be available on UAC’s website in early August. 

For students who have already applied, this is a good time to log in to their application and review and update their preferences. Please note that payment must be made for the application to be active. 

For students who have not yet applied, the early bird period ends on Friday, 29 September, at which time the processing fee increases. Students are encouraged to activate their account, start their application and change preferences after further research if required.  

UAC PIN reminder 

To start their UAC application, students will need their NESA Year 12 student number and their UAC PIN. Students who do not have their UAC PIN email, or are having problems with their PIN, please refer to read the PIN FAQs or contact UAC

In early August, an email will be sent to Year 12 students who have not applied with a UAC PIN reminder. Please note that PINs will be sent to the email address registered with NESA. Students need to register their personal email address on their students online account to access their HSC results and Certificates. 

School Recommendation Scheme Early offers (SRS) 

Students can apply for an early offer through UAC’s Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS). Once they have completed the standard UAC application, they need to submit a separate application for SRS before 18 September.  

Key SRS Scheme dates 
18 Sept 2023 – 11:59pm - SRS applications close 
3 Nov 2023 – 11:59pm - Change of preferences close for first SRS offers 
10 Nov 2023 – 7:30am - November Round 1 SRS offers released 

Educational Access Scheme (EAS) 

Students are encouraged to check the UAC website for the categories of disadvantage and documents they need to provide. A change for this year is that students who receive special provisions only need to provide this notification of eligibility and not an Educational Impact Statement. 

The main UAC application, with at least 1 preference and payment made, needs to be completed before students have access to the EAS tab on their UAC account. 

Students applying for the school recommendation scheme are advised to submit their EAS application by 18 September as it may support their application for the SRS. I encourage all students to aim to submit by this date but the final date for consideration for the main offer round in December is 23 November. 

Please visit and search key words for further information on the programs.

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Mrs Angela Pavicic 

Pathways and Partnerships Coordinator


Premier's Reading Challenge 

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The Premier's Reading Challenge closes to student entries in exactly ONE MONTH! Have you got your reading records up to date? 

Rosebank currently has 30 of the participating 110 students who have completed their challenge. Which Houses are they from? REMEMBER every challenge completed = points for your House!

Students have until 11:59am on Friday, 18 August to complete their reading records for validation. All students can log up to 10 personal choice books this year! 

Are you stuck on what to read next? Visit the Student Experience site and use the "Discover books to read" tool, talk to your teachers or visit the SRSC for assistance. You can see the latest titles to be added to the PRC list for Term 3 2023 here.

How many more books do YOU need to read?

New eBooks 

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Visit Destiny to access the latest eBook titles added to our collection.


NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. You can support and get to know your local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities through activities and events held across the country. National NAIDOC Week was celebrated earlier in July while Rosebank was enjoying winter holidays. To continue supporting NAIDOC and utilising library resources why don't you?


Start by checking out the display of First Nations materials in the SRSC today!


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