Rosebank College Crest

Volume 13

Principal's Message

Dear Rosebank Families,

A number of events over the past fortnight have illustrated our commitment to Community at Rosebank. On Saturday night, Rosebank hosted its annual trivia night led by our P&F group. My sincere thanks to Cara Edwards and Toni Catton in particular, but also to the very large number of parent volunteers who arrived to set up the night and indeed organised the many prizes. The event was a resounding success, bringing our community together in the spirit of Christmas, as evidenced by the delightful array of festive attire – from Santas to reindeer!

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 So far, the event has raised over $20,000, and these funds will help support the development of our new outdoor gathering and learning area, a project set to commence this September. This space, once graced by the presence of a magnificent fig tree, will soon become a focal point in our school, symbolising the dedication of both our current generation of students and their parents who helped make it possible. 

I was honoured to stand alongside our College Captains, Stella Vardanga and Xavier Woods, representing Rosebank at the Victory in the Pacific Commemoration on 15 August. Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Orry Kirkham's moving address reminded us of the sacrifices made by brave men and women in the pursuit of peace. This year we particularly remembered those who lost their lives in two sea vessels, the Centaur and the Montevideo Maru. 2023 is poignant for both. It is 80 years since the sinking of the Centaur, a hospital ship, and it was this year that the resting place of the Montevideo Maru was finally discovered off the Phillippines' coast.

Last Tuesday, we came together for the important Feast of the Assumption through our whole school Mass and I express my gratitude to Father Richard who celebrated this Mass. In fact, Father Richard has celebrated Mass with every Year 7 class this year. 

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Finally, it was lovely to see so many of our dedicated students and parents at the Ferragosto Festival in Five Dock yesterday. For several years, Rosebank has been a steadfast supporter of this vibrant festival, showcasing our students' musical and dance talents. Once again, our students shone and deservedly received great affirmation.

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Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our College community. Together, we continue to create long lasting experiences that shape the lives of our students.

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Ms Iris Nastasi


From the Assistant Principal

I feel as though we are starting this week from within a slowly dissipating fog of green and gold and still reeling in the tremendous wake of the Matildas. The energy that surged through the entire country as we supported these inspirational athletes was contagious and an uplifting reminder of what if feels like to be united as a country. I am sure the Wallabies are feeling no pressure at all boarding their flight to France….  

Trust the People, Trust the Process  
 Last week we celebrated the Assumption of Mary, with Fr Richard from All Hallows parish presiding over a whole Mass in the Benedict Auditorium. Fr Richard shared an anecdote about a patient who went to the dentist to have a tooth removed. When he was told the cost of the procedure, the patient asked the dentist how long the procedure would take. The dentist advised that it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to remove the tooth. The patient complained that he shouldn’t have to pay such an exorbitant fee for just a few minutes work.  

The dentist asked the patient if he would prefer that he remove the tooth exceptionally slowly, which would increase the patient's pain and discomfort, but perhaps make the patient feel that the additional time taken now justified the cost. The patient of course told the dentist that he did not want to go through any prolonged pain or discomfort and understood now, that he had to trust that the dentist was performing the procedure in the best way possible for the wellbeing of the patient. In the same way, we hope that our Year 12 students, are able to trust that although the process of working through both the positive and constructive feedback during this post trial period can be challenging, their teachers have only their wellbeing and their HSC success as their goal. Trust the ‘dentist’!  

Bullying. No Way!

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As part of our Wellbeing Wednesday initiative, on 16 August the College acknowledged the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, with the now familiar ‘Bullying. No Way!’ campaign bringing students and staff together over recess and lunch to sign the Anti-bullying Pledge. The theme for this year was ‘Building Connections’. 

At Rosebank, we believe that strong school community connections and social skills are factors that contribute toward the prevention of bullying. We continue to work with our students to help them not only identify positive connections with their peers, but provide them with the tools they need to grow those connections. Further information can be found in the Student Diary or in the College’s Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy located on the Rosebank website.  

With a focus on bringing parents into this conversation, the College has invited guest speaker Louise Poulson from Bully Zero, to present ‘Understanding Bullying for Parents’ at our next P&F meeting, which will be available to live stream if you are not able to attend in person. The session recognises the importance of the whole school community working together on this issue, provides an understanding of bullying behaviours, how to identify it and how to manage it.  

    Date: Wednesday, 7 September 2023  
    Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm (followed by Q&A)  
    Venue: Onsite (SRSC/Library) or online  
    RSVP: Click here to confirm if you will attend on site or require a link to be sent to you.  

At that meeting we will thank in person, our incredible P&F team who put together and ran the Trivia Night fundraiser. We also thank everyone who attended for their contribution to our fundraising initiatives and for ensuring that a great time was had by all. The yuletide theme certainly brought home that Christmas is now just four months away!  

New Parking Restrictions in Five Dock  
The College has been notified that there will be new parking restrictions in place around the Five Dock area, coming into effect as of Friday, 1 September 2023. Please click here to view a map which sets out which streets are affected.    
These include:

  • Garfield, King and Lancelot Streets - All three streets will have a 4-hour limit from 8:30am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Parking east of Cross Street or Scott Street on these three streets will have a 2-hour limit.
  • Queens Road between King and Garfield streets will have a 2-hour limit.

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Mr Paul Hardwick

Assistant Principal

📷 Ministry News

Good Samaritan Pilgrimage 
One of the results of the COVID pandemic was the cancellation of all Good Samaritan Education (GSE) staff and student immersions and pilgrimages. When GSE began rebuilding its programs in 2022 there, was a surge of creative energy that led to some new and imaginative ideas.  One of the suggestions was to create a Sydney based pilgrimage focussed on John Bede Polding and Scholastica Gibbons and the foundation of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan.  The suggestion went through brainstorming and discussions before a plan was proposed for a walking pilgrimage to be trialled in November 2022.  I was invited to be a leader with the GSE Mission Team.  And so the “Sydney Pilgrimage: walking story and tradition” came to be.  Staff from the ten Good Samaritan schools were invited to participate and the first twenty staff joined the GSE Mission Team.  Feedback from the November group was overwhelmingly positive.  Since then GSE has welcomed more than 70 staff - support and teaching - to walk in the footsteps of John Bede Polding, Scholastica Gibbons and the first Good Samaritan Sisters. 

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Pilgrimages have been a significant part of all religious traditions.  The most famous Christian pilgrimages include the journey to the shrine of St James in north-western Spain (the Camino de Santiago), journeys undertaken to places associated with the life of Jesus, such as Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Nazareth, or places linked to Mary, the Mother of God, such as Lourdes, Fatima, Knock, Walsingham and Loreto, or places related to a significant person such as  Rome and Sts Peter and Paul, Subiaco and St Benedict or Assisi and St Francis.  Our Good Samaritan Pilgrimage begins and ends with our saints - John Bede Polding and Scholastica Gibbons, and the generations of Sisters, Oblates and “Good Samaritans All” who have followed in their footsteps.

The Good Samaritan Pilgrimage begins with an orientation session at St Scholastica's Glebe listening to a presentation on the history of the Congregation and Toxteth House.  Evening Prayer in the chapel (1931) dedicated to John Bede Polding is followed by a group dinner opening up new friendships and renewing old ones.  

The next day the group gathers at the tomb of John Bede Polding with a time of prayer and reflection in the crypt of St Mary’s Cathedral.  From St Mary’s, the groups walk a journey through colonial Sydney taking time to stop and take moments to listen to stories of life in the early 19th century and the ministry undertaken by Polding and those who worked with him, especially Scholastica Gibbons.  After walking through the city centre the group reaches the site of the Carter’s Barracks (now the corner of Eddy Avenue and Pitt Street, Central Railway Station) and stops at the place where the first Good Samaritan Sisters made their commitment in 1857 to serve God in the spirit of the Good Samaritan and the Rule of St Benedict.  The last stop on the walking journey is at St Benedict’s Church Broadway, consecrated by Polding in 1838 and pointing towards Parramatta Road and Polding’s journeys on horseback going out on mission.  The pilgrimage continues to Rosebank to stand at the graves of the early Sisters and Mother Scholastica.  

Rosebank staff will have an opportunity to participate in a Pilgrimage on the Staff Spirituality Day at the beginning of Term 4.  I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to be a leader of the pilgrim groups and have been inspired by their enthusiasm to learn and know more about this wonderful tradition that we are immersed in.  

Friday, 18 August 2023.  Paul O’Shea, Jenny Korbakis, Melissa Micallef and Pedro Moriera, the Rosebank Pilgrims outside St Benedict’s Broadway, consecrated by John Bede Polding in 1838.


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Dr Paul O'Shea

Dean of Ministry

📷 CAPA News

HSC Drama Showcase 
Wednesday, 16 August was the HSC Drama Showcase, where creativity, passion, and talent converged for an evening of theatrical enjoyment.  

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The showcase presented two group performances that left the audience entertained. Each group demonstrated a work that was originally devised, showing their exceptional teamwork and commitment to their craft. Some individual projects were monologues from classics like Antony and Cleopatra, to contemporary pieces from Australian plays. The monologue performances were a true testament to the actors' ability to embody diverse characters, transporting the viewers to different worlds and experiences with every line delivered.

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Two video projects and an insightful Portfolio of Criticism were also showcased on the night, revealing the range of options explored in the HSC Drama course. 

A standing ovation was given to all of the performers, backstage crew and of course Ms Nandi, who made this showcase a resounding success. We wish these Year 12's all the best with their upcoming HSC.

HSC Practical Program submissions 
On Thursday and Friday, 10 and 11 August, our HSC Dance students completed their practical programs for HSC markers. Over the two days, the students danced both their Core Performance and Major Study Performance, and exhibited their Core Composition that was danced by a student from Years 9-11. This class, led expertly by Mrs Henry, has now completed a large component of their HSC course, with only the written exam in October left. Well done Year 12 dancers!

Our upcoming HSC dates include Friday, 25 August for HSC Drama Practicals, HSC Visual Arts major works due on Monday, 28 August, and HSC Music Practicals on Wednesday, 6 and Friday, 8 September. Good luck to all of our Year 12 CAPA students as they prepare to present their final major works.

Click the poster or visit to RSVP.

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Mrs Amanda Hill

CAPA Coordinator

📷 TAS Update

For their latest Assessment Task, Year 11 Food Technology students were asked to create a new food product that could be sold at the canteen. The design brief was to create a new canteen item that would appeal to teenagers but also be nutritional. 

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The class did an outstanding job, with some of the highlights being Honey Soy Chicken Skewers with Brown Rice, Beef Burritos Stuffed with Hidden Vegetables, Chicken and Vegetable Gyozas and an absolute standout of a Cob Roll stuffed with Beef and Vegetable Meatballs! They all were all highly creative and did a fantastic job. Well done Year 11.

Mrs Melissa Gal

TAS Coordinator

📷 Science Week

Rosebank just celebrated 2023 National Science Week, the start of a new tradition at our College where we celebrate scientific innovation and accomplished scientists of the past! Not only was it a great week full of learning, but a fun and engaging one that brought students together, regardless of year or interests, as they collaborated and competed in a series of Science activities and trivia competitions.

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Mornings began with daily science Kahoots and brilliant scientist blurbs in the daily announcements, written by Ms Stivaletta and Mr Coutts respectively. Students rushed to open their laptops and submit a response as fast as they could during Home Room, in hopes of collecting a great prize from Mrs Galeb and Mr Demaio - a pick of anything from anatomical models to engineering kits to a brand new optical microscope! The first to answer the Scientist Question of the Day also won their choice of a giant pop art scientist poster. During Break 2 every day students from Years 7 to 12 gathered to participate in the National Science Trivia, with more prizes being handed out to those with the most points in the room.

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On Wednesday and Friday, Ms Danaskos and Ms Pfefferman organised and set up STILE science escape rooms for junior and senior students. The escape rooms were composed of a combination of practical experiments and knowledge-based code breaking of varying difficulty, each revealing an essential code or hint to the next challenge. Congratulations to Marcus Kostagiannis, Christopher Serena, and Kalan Lorenzo who managed to “escape” the difficult senior room and to Finley Ruff, Lucas Massey, Riley Schurch, Lincoln Tediwijaya and Sam Cassaniti, the first juniors to finish theirs!

This past week, Rosebank’s Science teachers made sure to sprinkle engaging activities into their lesson plans, and were all instructed to hand out stickers to each of their classes. I’m almost obligated to shout-out my very excited Physics class that scrambled to take handfuls of the stickers each, and to Nicholas Korompay for absolutely adorning his laptop case with them in Chemistry.

All in all, what really made Science Week were all the students and their eager participation. I got to learn many names, faces and personalities, and it was great to watch inquisitive brows furrowing, splitting smiles forming, and banter being traded back and forth by students who, until this week, hadn’t ever spoken to one another. I talked to several other Year 11’s during the senior escape room and learnt none of them did any science classes - though I should have guessed that already from the way they emptied a tablespoon of sugar into a beaker of sodium hydroxide and all simultaneously flinched away as if it would explode (which was rather entertaining to watch).

That said, congratulations not just to all the students that won prizes, but to everyone who got involved and gave it their best effort! The love of learning (or, for many, love of explosive reactions and elephant’s toothpaste) was truly evident and infectious in the labs this week.

Of course, nothing would have been made possible without all of the dedication, administration and involvement of the staff. On behalf of the students of Rosebank, I want to thank all the teachers that contributed to, created and supervised the activities all in their own time. A special thanks to our Science Coordinator, Mrs Galeb, for organising it all and being there with the students every morning and break time without fail. It was such a successful and spirited week spent celebrating science, scientists’ contributions, and the students themselves!

So… what's next? Science Week may be over at Rosebank, but that’s not all! If you’re in Year 7 and aren’t already involved in the Science Club, join me and the Science staff for more experiments every Friday in J212! As for everyone else, keep your eyes peeled for more events and activities coming soon! There may even be a certain students vs staff showdown in the making, one you don’t want to miss. More on that in Term 4!

Jasmine Azizi 
Year 11 Science Captain

The Winners Of The Science Week Challenges:

Senior Escape Room  
Marcus Kostagiannis 
Christopher Serena 
Kalan Lorenzo

Junior Escape Room  
Finley Ruff 
Lucas Massey 
Riley Schurch 
Lincoln Tediwijaya 
Sam Cassaniti

Scientist Questions, Kahoots and National Trivia 
Holly Burns - Brady 
Harrison Morgan - Cassidy 
Isabelle Som - Brady 
Evan Richards - Delaney  
Alessia Cremona - Caufield 
Thomas Jansen - Caulfield 
Luca Hall - O’Connor 
Montgomery Tuckwell - O’Connor 
Jayden Wong - Delaney 
Shayanna Krishna - Delaney 
Moses Lawrence - Delaney  
Marcello Furnari - Delaney 
Jay Thakker - Dwyer 
Lucas Massey - Dwyer 
Marina Botic - Delaney
Aryan Mirzan - Delaney
Savannah Moussa - Adamson

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Mrs Siran Galeb

Science Coordinator

📷 Languages

Throughout Semester Two, Rosebank’s Italian language program will be well supported by four volunteer assistants. Co.As.It., the local Italian language institute in Leichardt, contacted Rosebank offering volunteer support in our Italian language classrooms. As a result, Elisa, Michela, Gabriella and Camila have joined us as volunteers. 

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Elisa is from Brescia in northern Italy. She has a master’s degree in languages and literature. She loves sports and is delighted to be in Australia, hoping to further her language and teaching skills. Michela is from Milan and has a degree in languages. She is currently studying primary education and is thrilled to see how successful the Matildas have been. Gabriella is from Como, northern Italy, and has a master’s degree in language and international relations. She loves visiting Bondi Beach and enjoys being outdoors in nature. 

Lastly, Camilla is from Monza, also in northern Italy, and has almost finished her primary education and science degree. Camilla enjoys yoga and loves volunteering, having worked with disadvantaged children and on clean-up campaigns. We trust all our students will welcome these assistants and make them feel at home.

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Ms Veronica de Jong

Languages Coordinator

📷 EnrichED News

Congratulations to the Rosebank College Senior Chess Team who made it through to the Semi Finals of the Eastern Division of the Sydney Metropolitan Chess Tournament, the highest level a Rosebank College team has ever reached in this competition. Defeated 3-1 by Sydney Grammar A, the team fought valiantly with two of the matches lasting over 90 minutes. Special congratulations to Connor McGregor who won every match of the 2023 season and special mention to Ryan Chan and Alexander Moreira who completed a three hour Chemistry exam earlier in the same afternoon.

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On Friday, 18 August, Year 7 and 8 students attended the Philosophy in Schools annual Meeting of Minds Day at Newington College with 70 other students from across Sydney. Look out for their report in the next edition of the College Newsletter. 

This week senior students involved in the College Colloquy students will attend AI, The Universe and Everything, a presentation from Suzie Sheehy (Physicist, Associate Professor at Melbourne University and visiting lecturer at Oxford University) and Toby Walsh (Laureate Fellow and Scientia Professor of Artificial Intelligence in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW) as part of the Newington College Centre for Critical Thinking’s National Science Week Program. Students will report on their experience in the next College Newsletter. 

Other upcoming events for the College Colloquy include: 

The Truth Defence: Ben Roberts-Smith and the Media on Monday, 28 August 6:30pm at UNSW: Especially for budding journalists, lawyers, ethicists, sociologists, epistemologists and other truth seekers, join investigative journalist Chris Masters, UNSW Sydney legal experts Douglas Guilfoyle and Daniel Joyce, and host Geraldine Doogue as they examine the trial of the century, and what it means for journalism, truth and justice. 

The Next Generation of News on Thursday, 7 September 6:30pm at UNSW. Another event for budding journalists, sociologists and political scientists, this event will look at changes in the way we consume news, and the struggle for traditional media to keep up with our forever online lifestyles. Sam Koslowski and Zara Seidler from The Daily Aus, will discuss how they have cracked the code on resonating with young people, distilling the big news stories of the day into bite-sized pieces. 

For everybody who wants to improve their capacity to think clearly there is Thinking critically about weird things. On Wednesday, 13 September at 6:30pm, you can join the Thinker in Residence at the Newington College Centre for Critical Thinking, Dr Stephen Law from Oxford University. He is a philosopher, academic and all-round polymath, and will be speaking on the reasonableness of beliefs in astrology, visitations by aliens, and haunting by the dead. He will discuss how to discern which conspiracy theories are reasonable and which are cranky and given recent testimony from armed forces personnel in the USA, this will be very interesting. The talk will provide key pieces of advice on thinking about weird things, a useful skill in our post-truth world. 

Further to the idea of post-truth is an offering from Sydney University on Tuesday, 12 September at 6pm. Breaking down disinformation will explore why we believe in the things we do, from conspiracy theories to science denialism. This is an opportunity to develop an understanding of post-truth politics with Lee McIntyre, philosopher and best-selling author of Post-Truth and How to Talk to a Science Denier; digital platforms and governance researcher Joanne Gray; and cognitive scientist Micah Goldwater. 

All of these events are free public lectures, but seats must be booked to confirm attendance. Interested students who would like to attend as part of a College excursion, should contact Ms McArthur (via the email below) as soon as possible to ensure that tickets are still available. Excursions will proceed with a minimum of five students.

Ms Cheryl McArthur
Gifted Education Teacher 

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📷 Hayes House Update

Operation Art 2023
Hayes House would like to Congratulate Daniel Noh (Year 7) whose artwork was selected to be presented at the Armory Gallery from 16 September to 29 October as part of Operation Art. The initiative is run by The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and encourages young people to create art for children in hospital. Well done, Daniel, for taking the time to contribute to such a great cause and congratulations on your achievement!

Ms Gabriella Piperides

Acting Hayes Assistant House Coordinator

📷 Vaughan House Update

It is not often that Rosebank has the chance to welcome a true superstar from the world of music! That changed last week when Vaughan House welcomed Thereza Bazar, of ‘Guys ‘n Dolls’ and ’Dollar' fame. She was an icon in the pop world in the UK and Europe during the 80's. Some reading this may even recognise her. Thereza freely and generously gave of her time yesterday to address the senior girls during lunch. And this was ahead of her upcoming tour of the UK. She will play nine shows in the UK in the coming weeks. 

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Thereza spoke to the girls about resilience in a male dominated industry. She spoke about the hard work that it took to become a successful recording and performing artist. (Even she was even a little lost for words when she ran into Paul McCartney at the BBC many years ago! "Should I bow or curtsey?") Elton John and Freddie Mercury were at the parties and nightclubs that she frequented during her pop star days. She performed for King Charles at a concert for the Prince's Trust produced by Trevor Horn at Wembley Arena in 2004 and was introduced to the then Prince of Wales, at the conclusion of the gig. Thereza's humility and her ability to share her extraordinary experiences with us at Rosebank was a gift and we thank her most sincerely. We wish her every success in her future gigs and we look forward to welcoming Thereza back to Rosebank one day, to share more of her insights and wisdom with our future Graduates.

Rhonda Goodenough and Melissa Luppino (proud daughter-in-law)

Vaughan House Coordinator and Assistant House Coordinator

📷 PACE News

Click here to view full Rep and Club Sport results (Term 3) 

PACE is coasting along nicely as we hit the mid-way point of Term 3. You will have seen recent reports noting great results in Theatre Sports, Chess and Debating. We also had a number of teams compete at the highest level of Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) sport in football and netball.

Term 3 representative sports are underway with students participating in Rugby 7’s, AFL and Tennis with some good results in the first few weeks.

Our Athletics Team competes tomorrow at the SCS Conference carnival – we wish all of our students the best of luck. 

You recently received an email from me outlining a new way for students to ‘Sign Up’ for PACE activities on TASS. Please keep this email handy as it does have some instructions if you need them. Last week we opened sign up for:

Representative Gala Days

  • Baseball (Mixed Teams)
  • Hockey (Male and Female Teams)

Term 4 Representative Sports (Weekly)

  • Cricket (Male and Female Teams)
  • OzTag (Male and Female Teams)
  • Volleyball (Male and Female Teams)

Summer Club Sports

  • Baseball (Mixed)
  • Basketball (Female)
  • Hockey (Male, Female or Mixed)
  • Netball (Male, Female or Mixed)
  • Volleyball (Female)

Parent approval MUST be granted before we receive the final registration so please check your emails after your child has signed up.

Stuart Hanrahan 
Dean of Physical and Cultural Engagement 

Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award 
Congratulations to Emily Bourke, Amelia Craig, Rebecca Donnelly, Ahron Espinoza, Mahira Sharma and Damian Tangye who recently completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.

Netball Umpiring Achievement 
Congratulations to Dakota Hammond and Mahira Sharma who were recently awarded their Association level netball umpiring badge. Both of these students umpire and play for Rosebank Netball Club on a Saturday in the Inner West Netba

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Rosebank Netball Club Teams Score a Spot in Finals 
As the 2023 Inner West Netball Association winter competition season draws to a close, our Rosebank teams are continuing to work hard in preparation for finals. This year saw Rosebank Netball Club with its largest number of registrations and teams, 166 students representing the College this season. Their strong results across the season led nine of the 20 teams to a spot in Finals.

We offer congratulations to the following teams who played in a Semi Final on Saturday: U15 Roosters (Minor Premiers), U15 Flamingos, Cadet Lorikeets, Cadet Eagles, Cadet Firetails and Senior Falcons (Minor Premiers).

We wish the best of luck to these teams who are playing for a place in the Grand Final at the Preliminary Final on Saturday, 26 August: U15 Flamingos, Cadet Lorikeets, Cadet Eagles, Cadet Firetails, Cadet Mixed Cranes, Cadet Mixed Gannets and Senior Alumni Navy.

We also congratulate the U15 Roosters and Senior Falcons who won their Semi Final on Saturday and will now play in the Grand Final on Saturday, 2 September.

Come along to Cintra Park, Concord on Saturday to support our Rosebank teams in finals!

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On Tuesday, 15 August, five Rosebank Representative Netball teams traveled to Penrith to compete in the NSW Combined Catholic Colleges (NSWCCC) Netball Championships.

The Rosebank Girls Junior team were full of energy and enthusiasm and this flowed onto the court as they competed with great passion and backed each other up all day. The Girls Intermediate team started the day strongly with three convincing wins. The depth of this age group was evident with multiple different combinations being played and never missing a beat. Our Girls Senior team went from strength to strength throughout the day staying calm with great composure and timing down the court.

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This year, for the first time, boys divisions were offered at the Championships. Our Boys Junior team put up a gallant effort against students who were a lot taller and older, but the future of this team is looking very bright! Our Boys Senior team continued their dominance from the SCS competition last term to go through the day undefeated, being crowned the inaugural NSWCCC Champions!

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It was so great to see the teams rallying around, supporting and cheering on each other; a true example of the Rosebank spirit. Congratulations to all teams on a successful championships!

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Miss Maryanne Di Bella

PACE Coordinator (Cultural and Diverse Activities)

Vaccination Update

All Year 10 students have been invited to receive the Nimenrix vaccine used to help prevent meningococcal disease. Vaccinations will take place on Thursday, 31 August.  Parents have received emailed instructions for giving online consent directly to New South Wales Health. If you would like your child to receive the vaccine, please ensure you complete the online consent process by Friday, 25 August.

NSW Health have informed the College that any Year 7 child who was not vaccinated earlier this year will also receive their vaccination on the same day, Thursday, 31 August. This only applies to students who have received parental consent via the NSW Health online portal.

Ms Rosanna Algeri

Assistant Dean of Administration (Middle School)

📷 From the P&F

Trivia Night 

We hope everyone who made this year's Trivia Night fundraiser had a fun time, and perhaps took home a prize or two. We are delighted to share that we have raised over $20,000 for the College. We want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped make it a great success. Many local businesses generously contributed to the great range of prizes and many amazing parents donated, volunteered and participated in the Trivia Night activities.

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The night was made possible through the generous efforts of the Parents & Friends Advisory Committee (P&F), with a special call out to Toni Catton for leading this event behind the scenes. And thanks to  the countless hours from Antonella Mifsud, Binh Pham, Carmel Meade, Francesca Raiti, Lindy Sivyer, Lorraine Kavanagh, Luisa Iskra, Rebecca Neilson, Sally Tagoe-Swanson, Sandra Russo and Tim Nelson.

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Ms Cara Edwards

P&F Liaison

📷 Benedictine Exchange Program

Last week we farewelled our eight international Benedictine Exchange Program students after their four week stay at Rosebank College. It has been an enriching experience not only for those students that travelled to us, but also for our host families, students and staff.

The international students were fully immersed in the culture of Rosebank, wearing the College uniform, attending classes and participating during PACE. The College welcomed them with an Australia Morning Tea, where they experienced traditional Aussie cuisines, such as fairy bread, party pies and sausage rolls.

We also embarked on an excursion to Watson’s Bay, explored scenic Sydney, taking the Watson's Bay walk around South Head with its beautiful views of Sydney Harbour, the city skyline, the Tasman Sea, North Head and the historic Hornby Lighthouse. The Watsons Bay Walk includes several beautiful beaches including Camp Cove, where Governor Arthur Phillip first landed in Port Jackson (the old name for Sydney Harbour) in 1788. For lunch, we enjoyed fish & chips from the iconic Doyles restaurant, started by the Doyle family who settled in Watson’s Bay in the early 1800’s.

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BEP Watsons Bay Grid.jpgBlessed with sun-filled days, the international students could be heard commenting about the differences in our “winter” season versus theirs, one of the many things they learnt on their adventure to Oz.

We are grateful to every family who hosted a student. They not only welcomed the international students into their homes and families, but spent weekends and afternoons showing them what Sydney and its surroundings have to offer.  

We look forward to our students travelling, to complete the exchange at the end of this year, to Convitto Nazionale Cagliari in Italy, Ampleforth College in England, Glenstal Abbey School in Ireland and Beneditinergymnasium Ettal in Germany.

If you are interested in participating in the BEP in 2024, keep an eye out in Term 4 to express your interest.

“This was an amazing experience, I absolutely loved it! I learnt a lot about the German culture, our similarities and differences and made a really nice new friend. I definitely recommend it to all and would love to do it again.” - Elizabeth Cruz, Year 10 Rosebank Buddy

“The Benedictine Exchange Program was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. As a buddy and future international student, I was surprised by how similar we were despite our geographical and cultural differences. I am incredibly excited to go to Italy at the end of this year and am very grateful for the incredible friendships this experience has provided me.” - Lauren Herbert, Year 11 Rosebank Buddy

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Mrs Tina Carbone

Community Engagement Liaison

📷 From the Archives

A Treasure Trove of Memorabilia  
In July this year, the Archives team made contact with Lisa Avery. While she herself is not an ex-student of Rosebank, her great Grandmother and great Great Aunt were. They were, respectively, Daphne Myers and her sister Leah. These women were students at the College before World War I. Lisa’s family has treasured a number of material reminders of these students which she brought to the College for the Archivist to sight and make photographs of them all.  

There were photographs of the girls at school wearing the elaborate dresses of the period and sporting the equally elaborate hair styles of those pre-war years. There were some images of Leah in her fantastical career as an international opera singer in Australia, Europe, Britain and the USA.  

The oldest piece was a sampler done by Daphne at school. It is clearly dated “Rosebank College 1901”. Daphne was eight years old when she completed this beautiful piece of work. 

There was a toilet bag of crocodile skin with the gold initials “D.M.” It contained a hairbrush and space for a comb together with a silvered (or chromed ) soap container. The condition was remarkably fine. 


As part of this collection of memorabilia, there was a set of c.150 postcards. These were used very regularly to keep in contact with family members (e.g., birthday greetings from family). Boarders sent them to each other probably on internal mail since all correspondence of this nature had the same coded address, which may not have been adequate for regular mail use. There are a few pictures of other boarders of the period which means that Archive staff can identify girls in larger class photographs of that time.  

Another teen ritual of the period was the keeping of autographs from friends and relatives – particularly school friends – in autograph books, all labelled so. Daphne’s two books from her senior years (presumably) contain many messages and signatures from students whose names occur in the yearbooks of the time, ‘Memoirs of Rosebank’. On two occasions, there are elaborate tree or vine drawings across two pages for the class to put their names as signatures. My own mother and aunt had such autograph books from the 1930’s and are in my keeping . I expect many families may have such treasures and the College Archive would be elated to receive any for preservation into the future years.  

There also exists a small violin which Daphne used as a pupil at Rosebank. She is mentioned as part of the College orchestra in reports of Prize Giving Day published in the press of the day. There is a beautiful photograph of Daphne carrying her instrument in the collection. She is actually wearing an elaborate 1900’s hat which would not be suitable at all for playing a violin.  

I am sure all would agree that this collection is a real treasure trove. I hope other families would feel inclined either to donate such historical items to the College Archives or make them available to be photographed, with donation a possibility in the future. The College is extremely grateful to Lisa and her mother, Daphne, for bringing this collection to our notice and permitting it to be photographed.

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Mr Robert Beazley


Career Pathways


University applications 
Year 12 students are reminded of the Friday, 29 September early bird processing charge deadline. Pay for and submit your application by this date to avoid the higher processing charge. View all of the UAC Key Dates.

Students applying for special consideration through the Educational Access Scheme (EAS) need to make contact with the Careers Office if they have not already done so. Students also applying for the School Recommendation Scheme are encouraged to have their EAS application submitted to UAC by the same due date of 18 September. 

Apply to Uni Guide includes:

  • Step-by-step application guide
  • How to change your preferences, and the cut-off dates for changes
  • Alternative pathways for entry
  • All of the pathways for 2024 entry
  • Key application dates for each state & territory


New Careers and Employment Expo


Friday, 8 September 2023 - 9am to 3pm and Saturday, 9 September 2023 - 9am to 4pm 

Sydney’s New Careers & Employment Event will open at the Hordern Pavilion, Moore Park. The Expo will showcase over 100 organisations and employers with career opportunities for all ages. Entry’s Free. The event is for school students, parents, teachers, graduates, job seekers, people looking for courses and workers seeking new opportunities.

  • Talk with over 100 Training Organisations & Employers
  • Gain Free Career Advice
  • Discover Jobs of the Future
  • Talk with Leading Organisations about Training & Apprenticeships
  • Experience the Free Career Seminars
  • Learn how to write a Winning Resume

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Mrs Angela Pavicic 

Pathways and Partnerships Coordinator