Volume 16
Enrolments update: Now taking enrolment applications for Year 7 2029 and beyond. If you are a current family and have a younger child entering Year 7 in 2027 or 2028, please contact the Registrar at enrolments@rosebank.nsw.edu.au or 9713 3118 ASAP.

Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
In these turbulent times, we can't help but feel frustration and helplessness as we witness the ongoing turmoil in the world. It leads us to question what can we do from here?
As a leader of a school filled with young hearts and minds, I encourage you to keep the lines of communication open with your children. There is no doubt your children have even more access to the horror of violence in social media. Admitting we don’t have the answers is not being apathetic; when you listen and are present, you are actually doing something. Please use your influence to steer your child away from the need to see these images. It doesn’t mean we don’t care; it means we can be stronger in the support we need to provide. Breaking our children’s minds and hearts will not help future generations. They will no doubt be curious despite your expression of concern, but together, we must work to keep their focus on supporting and maintaining the routines that keep them safe.
Routines and ‘the normal’ are even more important this term; there is much to keep us busy and proactive.
And moving to the routine, it is wonderful to have our students back on campus as we begin a busy Term 4 with much to celebrate. In particular, last week marked the return of our Year 12 students to school as they begin their formal HSC examinations. We are immensely proud of this cohort for their enthusiasm and diligence in tackling the HSC challenges. I am grateful for the tremendous support our parents and teachers have provided our students during the holidays, ensuring they are well-prepared and motivated for these final examinations.

We already have much to celebrate in the HSC, with NESA recognising the outstanding achievements in Performing Arts. This year, we received eight impressive Callback (Dance) nominations and two for OnSTAGE (Drama). Congratulations to Mia-Rose Lombardo (Callback: Major Study Performance, Core Composition and Core Performance); Ruby Wilson (Callback: Major Study Performance, Core Composition and Core Performance); Caitlin Davar (Callback: Core Performance); Sophie del Popolo (Callback: Core Performance);

Gabriel Giuntoli (OnSTAGE: for his exceptional portrayal in "Accidental Death") and Angelique Lorquet (OnSTAGE: for her outstanding performance in "Antony and Cleopatra"). These nominations are a testament to the talent and hard work of our students. Well done to all the nominees.
It was wonderful to meet so many Year 11 parents last week who came to learn more about Pathways, HSC Disability Applications and the HSC in general. We greatly appreciate the feedback we received, including the positive response to the information shared. We also received valuable insights into the challenges some parents face in reaching our teachers via email. In response to this feedback, we will make the Rosebank teachers' and specialists' email addresses accessible on the Parent Portal for your convenience.
I would like to address an important matter that has come to my attention regarding the increasing number of families requesting approved leave for holidays. While we understand the desire for family vacations, it has reached a point where it is placing significant demands on our teachers. I must emphasise that we are unable to approve holidays during the school term. While we have previously shown some understanding due to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we ask that you plan your holidays outside the school terms moving forward. Please refer to Mr Hardwick’s article for further details.
We look forward to this week, which is our much-anticipated Discovery Week. Our forthcoming newsletter will be a celebration of the diverse range of activities that our students have enthusiastically embraced. These activities encompass Year 11 Retreat, Year 10 Work Experience, Year 9 Camp, and the Festival of Creative Spirit for Years 7 and 8. Stay tuned for a vibrant showcase of our students' remarkable experiences and achievements.

Finally, congratulations to Mikayla Duong who has competed in numerous elite sporting events, most notably representing the Junior Matildas in Hanoi.
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Ms Iris Nastasi
From the Assistant Principal
A warm welcome back to Rosebank to all members of our community for the start of Term 4. Thank you to those members of staff who were on site during the holiday break, running workshops to support of our HSC students in preparation for the commencement of their exams last week. We will continue to keep them and their families in our prayers as they navigate the next few weeks.
This week, all students will participate in ‘Discovery Week’. Students in Years 7 and 8 will be involved in the ‘Festival of Creative Spirit’ (FoCS), an initiative that serves as an opportunity for students to discover and develop their passions by stepping beyond the four walls of the classroom to design rich academic projects. Every student is enabled to explore and experiment with critical and creative thinking, problem solving, communication and aesthetic awareness through the creation of authentic projects and experiences.
Year 9 students will be provided with opportunities to develop their skills and confidence in a range of areas outside of their regular learning through the popular Year 9 Camp and Duke of Edinburgh experience.
Our Year 10 students will join the workforce this week, packing their lunches each morning to head out for work experience. This program is a valuable opportunity for our students to immerse themselves in the ‘9 to 5’ and learn more about possible career paths.
The annual Year 11 Retreat is also running this week, both onsite and at offsite venues. This significant event is an opportunity for our senior students to step outside the normal busyness of life, to be still without the pressures of school and family and engage on a deeper level with self, others and God.
We wish all of our students an engaging week of diverse learning and self-discovery.
With the recent announcement around the ban of mobile phones in public high schools across NSW, I want to thank our parents for the ongoing support the College continues to receive in this area. While there are still students who are struggling to relinquish their dependency on their phones, the majority of the student body have demonstrated just how much of a positive impact this change can have on both their learning and socialising. We remind parents that if you need to contact your child during the school day, that you do so through the General Office, as the expectation is that all student mobile phones are in their lockers once they arrive on site.
Rosebank remains dedicated to academic achievement and success for all pupils. Regular school attendance is a critical part of that success. Frequent absences impact educational continuity and consistency and can impact social and emotional growth.
On occasion the College receives applications from families for extended leave for their child from school. Guidelines for Exemption from Attendance can be found on the Parent Portal. However, parents are reminded that the College cannot approve an extended period of leave for families to take a holiday. The NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA) is very clear on what can be classified as ‘justified leave’, which includes participation in elite sports teams eg, representing Australia at an international tournament/event, and employment in the entertainment industry.

All current parents and carers are invited to join our Rosebank P&F, either as volunteers or as a member of the Advisory Committee. The Committee works directly with our College Communications and Engagement team, who provide administrative and logistical support for all P&F initiatives throughout the year. In preparation for our P&F AGM to be held at the College on Wednesday, 8 November at 6:30 pm, we are now calling on nominations for the following roles: P&F Liaison, Assistant Treasurer, and Committee Members. For information on the responsibilities of each of these roles, please click here. Parents are welcome to self-nominate. To join the P&F Advisory Committee in 2024 please submit nominations via this form by Friday, 27 October 2023. To attend the AGM, please RSVP via this form.
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Mr Paul Hardwick
Assistant Principal
📷PACE News
Click here to view full Rep and Club Sport results (Term 4)

Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
Congratulations to the following students who recently completed their Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. Duke of Ed requires participants to participate in a Physical Recreation, Skills and Voluntary Service activity over numerous weeks as well as complete an Adventurous Journey camp. Well done on this achievement!
- Bronze Award: Ava Mouawad
- Silver Award: James Whitton

Club Netball Umpiring Badge Achievement
Congratulations to Olivia Gimenez and Katia Reichle who were recently awarded their Association level Netball Umpiring Badge representing Rosebank Netball Club.
Summer Netball
The Inner West Netball Association Summer Netball competition got off to a flying start with 10 girls teams and eight mixed teams taking to the court against other local clubs in the first round of the competition. The girls teams continued their momentum from the winter competition with some great wins and narrow losses. The mixed teams displayed their competitive spirit and aerial skills with exciting and entertaining matches filling the park. It’s great to see over 150 students take up the opportunity to play Summer Netball this year and we look forward to seeing them continue to build over the next nine weeks.
Ms Maryanne Di Bella
PACE Coordinator (Cultural and Diverse Activities)
Rep Sport: Term 4 off to a flying start
Our Representative Oztag and Volleyball teams kicked off their season on Thursday, 12 October. The Girls Junior, Intermediate and Senior Volleyball teams recorded a clean sweep of wins against Domremy and the Boys Volleyball teams saw our A and B teams battle it out against each other in some hotly contested games. Our Oztag teams braved the heat with the Boys Junior A & B and Intermediate teams, along with the Girls Junior team recording convincing wins in round 1.
Cricket teams commence their season next week and along with the Oztag and Volleyball teams, we look forward to watching you all continue to go from strength to strength throughout the term.
Gala Day Sign Up
Sign ups for Term 4 Representative Sport Gala Days are now open. Gala day sports this term are Futsal, Badminton and Mountain Biking. Students with experience are invited to sign up if they’re interested. Please note the sign up closing dates below:
- Futsal - Wednesday, 18 October
- Badminton - Friday, 20 October
- Mountain Biking - Monday, 6 November
Ms Annalisa Di Bella
PACE Coordinator (Representative Activities)
📷CAPA News

Callback nominations
Callback, held every year in February, is a showcase of the state’s most exemplary works from HSC Dance students. This year Rosebank HSC Dance students received eight nominations for Callback, including both Mia-Rose Lombardo and Ruby Wilson receiving nominations in all three of the practical components.
- Caitlin Davar - nominated in Core Performance
- Sophie del Popolo - nominated in Core Performance
- Mia-Rose Lombardo - nominated in Core Performance, Core Composition and Major Study Performance
- Ruby Wilson - nominated in Core Performance, Core Composition and Major Study Performance
Congratulations on such a wonderful achievement.
Mrs Karen Henry
Dance Teacher
OnSTAGE nominations
Following the final HSC Drama Performance Exam held recently and assessed by NESA markers, we were excited to hear that two Rosebank College students’ Individual Performances have been nominated for inclusion in Onstage, the showcase of HSC Drama projects and performances to be held in February next year. The nominated students are:
- Gabriel Giuntoli - Accidental Death
- Angelique Lorquet - Antony and Cleopatra

We congratulate all the CAPA students on completing their practical submissions and performance exams and wish them all the best for their written examinations.
Ms Tara Nandi
Drama Teacher and Acting CAPA Assistant Coordinator
Street Art Unveiled: Year 9 and Year 10 Students Showcase Political and Social Works
Our Year 9 and Year 10 Visual Arts students wrapped up last term by finishing their Street Artworks, using stencils and spray paint to create powerful political and social statements. These young artists have channeled their creativity and passion into thought-provoking works that address themes such as social justice, environmental awareness, identity, and cultural diversity. The bold and eye-catching pieces they've produced are not just testaments to their artistic skills but also reflections of their commitment to making a positive impact on society. We hope you enjoy a few of these compelling works below:
Ms Aimee Leal
Visual Arts and Photography and Digital Media Teacher
2023 NAS HSC Intensive Studio Practice Exhibition

During the Term 3 holidays, Year 11 students Clara Noh, Lola Tesoriero and Grace Lin took part in the 2023 National Art School (NAS) HSC Intensive Studio Practice Exhibition, a prestigious platform where they showcased their exceptional skills and creativity across a variety of artistic disciplines.
Working diligently across a wide spectrum of artistic mediums, including ceramics, painting, and sculpture, Clara, Lola, and Grace have not only mastered their craft but have also deepened their understanding of these artistic processes. This experience has prepared them for their upcoming HSC bodies of work, and their dedication and passion shine through in their creations.
We are immensely proud of Clara, Lola, and Grace, and we eagerly anticipate witnessing the further development of their artistic journeys. Congratulations to these students for their remarkable achievements, and thank you for representing Rosebank College with such distinction. We look forward to seeing where their artistic journeys take them as they begin their HSC Visual Arts Course this term.
Ms Aimee Leal
Visual Arts and Photography and Digital Media Teacher
Visual Arts Stage 5 Street Art
The Year 9 and 10 students recently completed a unit centered on street art, which served as a creative medium for making thought-provoking comments on societal and global issues. Through this unit, students explored the power of art as a tool for social commentary. They delved into the techniques of stencil creation, honing their skills in intricate design and precision cutting. The resulting artworks were a stunning fusion of urban aesthetics and profound messages, addressing diverse topics such as environmental sustainability, consumerism, and cultural diversity. This unit not only fostered artistic talents but also encouraged critical thinking and dialogue on pressing issues, showcasing the students' ability to engage with and reflect on the world around them through their art.
Here are some examples from Hayley Steinwall, Isabella Oakes, Jeremy Schreuder, Melina Scarcella and April Emdin.
Mr Jack Booker
Visual Arts Teacher
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📷EnrichED News

As we move into the last nine weeks of the school year, we prepare for the culmination of just over a term’s worth of serious self-directed learning as students complete their InnovatED Projects for the annual Showcase, which will be held on 17 November in the SRSC.
Students and teachers will visit throughout the day and the College community is welcome to visit from 3:15 – 4:30 pm.
Critical Thinking Course
This is also the time for academically capable Year 10 students to enroll in the Critical Thinking Course at Macquarie University. If students are interested in completing a unit towards a university degree, remotely over the summer break they should visit this link.
For more information, contact Ms Cheryl McArthur in the Diverse Learning Office or via the email below, to find out more.
Future Problem Solving

At the time of writing, four members of the Future Problem Solving Team from Year 7, are winging their way to Brisbane in the company of a parent and Mr Borg to compete in the national finals of Community Problem Solving. As regular newsletter readers will know, the students have been working all year on ways to further reduce and recycle waste from the College. The families of Rosebank can support these students by enabling their children to participate in the Nude Food Challenge. The challenge is all about reducing waste from cling wrap, alfoil and prepackaged food. We are encouraging students to instead bring their food in reusable containers.
To support this, our Eco-Warriors will be circulating during the breaks in Week 3 labeling containers for students. In Weeks 3-7 House Captains will be visiting Home Rooms to check lunchboxes. Any student with an entire lunchbox of Nude Food will win a point for their house.
These points accrue towards the House trophy awarded at the end of the year.
The Home Room in each House with the highest tally at the end of Week 7 will win a prize to share. Please encourage your child to bring their containers to school to be labeled in Week 3.
The Young Entrepreneurs Workshops are back!
After a hiatus and some rebranding, the volunteers who bought us the TiE Young Entrepreneurs workshops and pitching competition are offering another round of workshops starting on 29 October and running through to 19 November, with a pitching competition on the evening of 29 November. Future Entrepreneurs Australia are offering the same successful program previously hosted at Rosebank College, but this time at Newington College.
This opportunity is for Year 9-12 students. Applications close on Friday, 20 October and can be submitted via this link.
For further details please contact Ms McArthur via the email below. Please read on for some student contributions about activities completed in the last weeks of Term 3.
Q&A Excursion :
On 18 September, a group of 22 Rosebank students attended the ABC studio to participate in the studio audience of an episode of Q & A, related to climate change and the future of energy within Australia. The panel consisted of Chris Bowen, the Federal Minister for Climate Change & Energy, Ted O’Brien, Shadow Federal Minister for Climate Change & Energy, Allegra Spender, Independent Member for Wentworth and Nicki Hutley, Independent Economist. The panel also included the 17-year-old Will Shackel, founder of Nuclear for Australia. He is an inspiring Year 11 student striving for the implementation of nuclear energy within Australia, adding a voice of youth to the panel which resonated with our group of students. Most of the questions focused on nuclear power, specifically ‘Should the ban on nuclear energy be lifted?’, enabling the consideration for Australia to convert to a nuclear energy plan, with the panel discussing the issue of waste in detail.
The panel also answered a question relating to teenage mental health and what can be done to support young people who struggle with mental health issues and currently have difficulty accessing support services. As students we must be aware of our mental health and find strategies to cope with the stress caused especially by social media, as pointed out by Will Shackel. He conducted an important discussion about the influence of social media on the mental health of teenagers and what can be done within society to support young people who feel negatively affected by the stigma exacerbated by social media.
The excursion allowed us as students to recognise our voice, raising questions and awareness about the mounting climate crisis, that through debate and solving of problems can be aided both in Australia and internationally. Each student formulated an individual question that was submitted to the Q&A team as a possible question for the panel.
This exercise prompted the group to research areas of climate change and renewable energy extensively, in order to spark discussion and work towards answers for the community; an important action for young people to participate in. Noah Jones from Yr 9 was successful in having the opportunity to ask his question live, to the panel. Overall, the experience was one that we thoroughly enjoyed, allowing us to partake in the debate of current issues in our society, and speak up with our concerns and queries. The episode is available to view on ABC iView.
Fotini Papavramidis, Matilda Meidling and Ella Nicholas (Year 11)
Inquisitive Minds Mathematics Challenge Day
On 15 September, a group of 20 Year 8 students were offered the opportunity to participate in a critical thinking, mathematics-based day at Newington College, hosted by the Inquisitive Minds Organisation. The students from Rosebank College and other schools spent the day testing our own knowledge and problem-solving skills in a way we don’t usually experience in the classroom. Many competitions, with high stakes and prizes resulted in us incorporating strategic approaches towards what questions to answer, how long to spend on a question, and choosing between adjustments in difficulty. A distinct feature of this approach to mathematics was the extra puzzles and games dispersed throughout the main challenge booklets of the day. These were distinctly different to the standard methods practiced at school and required us to combine concepts and think creatively about how to solve them.

However, what was really valuable to us as developing mathematicians, were the lessons that the Inquisitive Minds team gave about the variety of ways to think about and solve some of these puzzles.
These lessons employed various techniques for tackling a diverse range of questions, greatly enhancing our learning experience. To grow our character, a key feature of the day was when we were required to find another student from a fellow school to become our partner in the activities ahead. The skepticism and awkwardness were forgotten as we raced to solve the questions and compete for as many points as possible and the chance to win chocolate! Overall, this was a day of development that escaped the normalities of mathematics in the classroom. Instead, it forced us to adapt and utilize our background maths skills in an engaging environment with much chocolate to win! Overall, it was an enjoyable experience, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested.
Kodi Kavanagh and Sabir Bansal (Year 8)
THINK Student Conference

On Friday, two Year 10 students went to the THINK conference at Newington College. This was a day of talks and presentations given by Oxford Professor Steven Law, who talked about a wide range of topics including the difference between the mind and the brain, whether the idea of a private mind is an illusion, whether or not we really have free will, and ending with a comparison of science, philosophy, and religion. It was a fun, thought-provoking day, and I’m very glad I attended.
The first talk of the day was about whether or not the mind is a physical part of your brain, or if it is an outside force. Prof Law discussed theories and justifications for both beliefs, including theories from Renee Descartes. It was a very interesting topic.
The second session was about the idea of our mind as a private space, and whether that was true or merely an illusion. He discussed the idea of a ‘super-barrier’, which is a theoretical force that nothing can penetrate. If the mind were truly a completely private concept, it would be surrounded by one.
After that, we had a recess break, and the discussion after that was about free will and determinism. Prof Law went over why we believe we have free will and arguments against it. He also discussed the differences between determinism and fatalism, which both involve the idea of a lack of free will, but fatalism declares that all is pre-decided, and nothing can change. Determinism believes that things are determined beforehand, but actions can still have consequences.
After that, we discussed metaethics, which means thinking about ethical discussions. Some philosophers believe that making an ethical statement is simply stating what you believe to be the case, not really making a statement at all. He covered a variety of different metaethical stances.
Finally, there was an overall discussion about science, religion, and philosophy - can they coexist? Can science and philosophy explain the supernatural? Can the three influence each other and progress the thinking in each area? This might have been my favourite talk, it was just a very interesting topic and Prof Law delivered it really well.
The THINK conference was a great opportunity to see an interesting, entertaining presenter discuss several topics that were interesting and engaging to think about. I am very glad I went.
Damian Tangye (Year 10)
RoboCup National Finals

From 6-8 October, we went to Melbourne for the RoboCup National Robotics Competition, where we had a great time. Over Term 2 we built and programmed a robot for the Rescue Line element of the competition. We entered the NSW competition and watched it in action as it followed lines, sped up ramps, and swiftly maneuvered around various obstacles to win the state competition. In Melbourne, we entered the same division and while we didn’t win, it was a great experience to watch what other teams did, learn more about coding, and generally have a lot of fun. We are very keen to put these new ideas into practice for next year when we will be moving up to the next division. If you want to join us in our journey, please consider signing up for the RoboCup during PACE next year. We hope that you will have as much fun as we did.
Oliver Marchingo and Luca Hall (Year 7)
Nude Food Challege!
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Ms Cheryl McArthur
Gifted Education and iThink Teacher, EnrichED Program Facilitator cmcarthur@rosebank.nsw.edu.au
2023 Year 12 Extension Works
Welcome back to school for Term 4. The SRSC is alive with students studying for exams and researching for assessments. Break times are abuzz with our regular visitors reading, chatting, and playing chess and cards. Let's be mindful of our Year 12 students who are using the library to prepare for their HSC exams and please keep noise to an appropriate level.
Displays in the SRSC

Often we put collections of books on display in the library. We want you to know that we DO NOT agree with MC Hammer - you CAN touch these!!!
Please look at, touch, pick up and borrow the books from these displays. They are curated for you!
Currently on display in the SRSC: "Spring has Sprung" and "Banned Books".
Banned Books Week occurs in the beginning of October. Our display features books which have been challenged or banned throughout history in schools and libraries in Australia, the USA and other countries. Considering most of the books on the display are classics and are often required reading for high school English students these days, students have shown a great deal of interest in the display. They have been asking why Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird were ever banned, and why the display is 'on fire' (you'll have to read Fahrenheit 451 to find out why!)
Pets' Picks
Toward the end of Term 3 Rosebank held "Paws and Reflect Day". Maggie came into the SRSC for the day and many students asked Maggie what she likes to read. So she spoke to her friends Sydney and Felix and they came up with the following recommendations:
All of these books are available in the SRSC now and can be reserved using Destiny. See SRSC staff for assistance.
New Books and eBooks
Please click on this link to see the latest books and ebooks added to the SRSC collection.
Happy Reading!
Mrs Leanne Plesa
Library Technician
McLaughlin House Updates
Congratulations to Archie Marshall (Year 8) who played in the 7's Rugby State Championships during the recent school holidays in Forster. Archie played a year above his grade in the Northern Suburbs Under 15's team. This team won the Bowl Championship after three days of tough competition!
Ms Danaskos has also sent through some exciting news about two other MCL students, Keira Kan (Year 11) and Ronan Kan (Year 8). Ms Danaskos is an instructor at the Hapkido College of Australia where Keira and Ronan have been training for years. She recently graded these two students and had this to share with us:
"On Saturday, 23 September, Keira and Ronan Kan from McLaughlin House completed a 12 hour Black Belt Grading Test in order to obtain their 1st Degree Black Belt in Hapkido, a traditional Korean Martial Art that focuses on self-defence and self-discipline. The test required them to complete a 6km run, push-ups, sit-ups, cat-rolls, movements, forms, over 100 punches, over 500 kicks and kicking combinations, nearly 200 different self-defence techniques, and sparring with 5 different Black Belts, all in the one day. They showed a high level of endurance and perseverance despite how exhausting the test was. Congratulations to them both on this extraordinary achievement!"
We congratulate Keira and Ronan on this fantastic achievement!
Mr Mark Zilich
McLaughlin House Coordinator
Benedictine Exchange Program
We are now accepting expressions of interest for Rosebank's 2024 Benedictine Exchange Program. Click here to learn more.
Mrs Tina Carbone
Community Engagement Liaison
Alumni News

Reconnect with fellow past students of Rosebank College and attend the Rosebank Reunion event. No matter when your student days ended, there will always be a place for you and your classmates within our alumni community. We recognise that reconnecting with your classmates is an important part of your story.
We warmly invite all former students to join us at the Rosebank Reunion event on Saturday, 28 October 2023 at 4pm for afternoon tea. Enjoy our Rosebank Corelli Strings, a College tour and refreshments.
You are also welcome to stay and attend our Rosebank Archives Opening 6-7pm.
Book your tickets here.
Rosebank College actively supports the organisation of school reunions and encourages your Class Reunion Representative to plan your reunion dinner after our event to contact our Community Engagement Liaison at alumni@rosebank.nsw.edu.au.

The College is happy to work with a Class Reunion Representative to help with the promotion of your event through our College newsletter and social media pages, so please ensure details are passed on as early in the planning process as possible.
Join our alumni social media pages on Facebook and LinkedIn and register your details through our alumni contact list to stay in the loop.
Mrs Tina Carbone
Community Engagement Liaison
From the P&F
World Teacher's Day P&F Staff Morning Tea.
After a short break, the P&F has two events planned for the remainder of 2023.
On 27 October 2023, the Rosebank College P&F is hosting a World Teachers Day morning tea to show our appreciation to all the teachers committed to the learning and wellbeing of our children. To make this event a success we are looking for donations of baked goods for the morning tea and volunteers to help on the day from 10am to 11:30am. If you are able to help, please click on this link to complete the form.

To join the P&F Advisory Committee in 2024 nominate via this form. Please submit nominations by Friday, 27 October 2023 via this form. To attend the AGM, please RSVP via this form.

We also look forward to our last event for the year, the Year 9 Parent Social Evening on 3 November 2023. Hope to see you there.
Ms Cara Edwards
P&F Liaison
Career Pathways

Become a swim teacher!
Rainbow Club Australia is a network of social swimming clubs for children with a disability and are searching for new teachers in our area. Interested students are encouraged to attend the free Train to Teach Program in Denistone East on the 22 October 2023.
GoBoat Casual Crew Member - Cabarita. If you love the outdoors, working with other
people, and you think you'd excel at creating great customer experiences.
GoBoat Cabarita Point will be hiring junior staff for the upcoming 2023/2024 season. GoBoat CabaritaPoint is looking for motivated individuals of any age with great people skills and a great work ethic; previous customer service, retail, hospitality, and/or boating experience is desirable, but not necessary as is a current first aid certificate and boat license.
Most of the hours available will be on weekends, and school holidays and availability over the Christmas break is a must. Apply now
VenuesLive VenuesLive regularly recruits casual staff with opportunities available across all areas within the Stadium. Find out more
Mrs Angela Pavicic
Pathways and Partnerships Coordinator